Code Sketches

During the past 18 months I've decided I want to get more into creative code. I've been learning various subjects in p5 and doing personal projects about each subject. These are a few chosen examples, they're all interactive - feel free to click and try for yourself (in the links).

the first sketch is Phyllotaxis, or - flower pattern maker. It was made as a part of Drawing ++ course at the Media Lab, MIT.

I was inspired by this paper and a coding train challenge about this type of pattern, which I thought could work very nicely with a the task of making a nature based generative drawing.

Type of project

Creative Coding


Design + code

Tools used


Year completed


I had a few ideas in mind on how to complicate it / make it generative:

  1. Add randomness / noise to different variables, like the angle and radius.

  2. Randomize the fill color according to the pattern / angle to create a more complex coloring that would still look good and not be completely random since that would be too messy.

  3. I also wanted to consider change over time, maybe switch to different patterns or start over every x amount of frames/seconds.

I started with the basic code from the challenge - this is how it looked:

Step 2 - focus on specific changes.

I kind of liked what came out but it didn’t feel like it’s enough. Plus I didn’t feel like I learned too much from it and the pattern started looking too weird and not nature related. So I started over, this time focusing on the pattern, leaving the colors for later. the pattern is controlled by a base angle used in fibonacci sequence patterns - 137.5. According to the paper I could use other angles that were close enough to it to generate other patterns. Also, I could the radius randomly/ over time:

Step 1 - play around

In order to understand how to manipulate the variables and insert a generative aspect to the drawing I started changing variable inputs / adding conditions just to see what would happen. I came out with something weird like this:

Step 3 - change over time.

Going with this direction I wanted to see how would it look if the angle could change every X amount of time / frames. This is pretty random and under it is a pattern since the angle changes every 3 seconds, resulting in the final outcome:

Unsupported protocol.
Unsupported protocol.

